From the 18th to the 20th Century it was the boast that human thought had at least come out of the dark woods of medieval superstition, credulity and obscurantism, into the sunshine of clear thinking where the dry breezes of skepticism blow unhindered. ‘Fell the trees and level the hills that still obscure the view; let the winds drive off the mist’ — they said. But now that much of this work has been accomplished it is beginning to be felt that there is no shade in all these flat plains of perpetual parching wind and sunshine, and through this desert no flooding Nile flows. There are those who, secretly, would like, if they could, to reconstruct the dim, wet, haunted woods before they die of thirst.
— Nanamoli Thera
Early Flier, circa 1913

Early Flier, circa 1913


Throughout History, theories have abounded concerning lost civilizations, cultures, and continents. Of course, there is the well explored story of the lost Utopia of ATLANTIS. The greatest minds have long struggled with the potential reality of an entire western civilization disappearing into the sea. Far to the east, folk tales speak of similar stories. The lost homeland of the Hawaiian people, MU, the sunken land that once linked all of Polynesia, ZEALANDIA; and, of course, the expanse in the Indian Ocean of which only Madagascar remains, LEMURIA.

The Lemurian Institute is a collection of Scientists, Archeologists, Historians, and Explorers that seek to find definitive proof of these ancient lands and their long lost denizens. Using advanced technology and the most modern of techniques, as well as recruiting some of the greatest minds of our age, The Institute is confident that we will find undeniable evidence of one, if not all, of these long forgotten lands and learn once and for all of the cataclysm that led to their destruction. We must see how humanity failed in the past so that we can prepare for the future.


OCTOBER 13th, 1913. AUKLAND, NZ.